1st Grade Report Card Rubric

First Grade Report Card Rubric




A. Cooperative and respectful
Always displays cooperative and respectful behavior to students and teachers.  Goes out of his/her way to help others and be considerate of others’ feelings and needs.

Consistently displays cooperative and respectful behavior to students and teachers.
Displays cooperative and respectful behavior to students and teachers sometimes.  May need reminders on how to behave respectfully.
Seldom displays cooperative and respectful behavior to students and teachers.  Even with reminders, behavior may not improve.
B. Follows classroom directions given in Spanish
Always listens carefully to and follows directions given in Spanish.  Is able to (at least partially) decipher new directions based on the words and structures that he/she already knows.

Consistently and carefully listens to and follows directions given in Spanish.
Carefully listens to and follows directions given in Spanish, with some help and repetition needed at times.
Seldom listens to or follows directions given in Spanish. Cannot decipher phrases that are used frequently in class, even with help.
C. Writes short lists or phrases in Spanish
Independently writes short lists or phrases in Spanish.  Integrates pervious vocabulary or structures to add complexity and detail to written work.  Errors are minimal.

Consistently writes short lists or phrases in Spanish.  Errors are minimal.
Writes short lists or phrases in Spanish, with some help and repetition needed at times.  Errors do not completely impede understanding.
Seldom writes short lists and phrases in Spanish, even with help and repetition.  Errors are significant and impede understanding.